Techafull Private Accident Insurance 2.0: Innovations For Your Safety

Accidents can happen at any time, so protect yourself with Techafull Private Accident Insurance 2.0. Whether at home, during sport or in everyday life our innovative policy offers comprehensive cover for your financial security.

Techafull Private Accident Insurance 2.0 for Maximum Safety

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Accidents can always happen, so protect yourself with Techafull Private accident insurance 2.0. Discover our sustainable business model, innovative benefits and optional extras of our accident insurance for your comprehensive protection and financial security.

Not only do we offer our customers innovative safety solutions, we also prioritise modern protection through Techafull.

Are you now thinking that you do not need private accident insurance because; for example, you do not have a risky job or don't pursue a high-risk hobby?

When it comes to accidents, most people immediately think of road traffic, but most accidents occur at home statistically. According to data from the Federal Statistical Office, more than 13,000 accidents at home were fatal in 2021. Compared to road accidents, this was twice as many. The kitchen and garden are therefore the most dangerous areas in our households. The number of accidents is particularly high here. It's hard to avoid spending time in the kitchen and carrying out certain tasks there. As soon as we enter the kitchen, we are exposed to an increased risk of accidents every day.

Unfortunately, accidents cannot always be avoided when doing sport either. And here too, it is not the extreme sports that top the accident table, but the number one popular sport: football. Around 57% of all sports accidents occur in football. And we're not just talking about professional football here. Every amateur player or hobby footballer is also included in this statistic. Handball is in second place with only around 14%.

So, it is our everyday activities and hobbies that are the most "risky" and harbour the highest risk of accidents. In view of these aspects, you should now reconsider the question of whether you need private accident insurance.

The Evolution of Private Accident Insurance

The basic idea of accident insurance and the first version of statutory accident insurance came from Otto von Bismarck in 1884. Even then, people recognised that employees needed to be insured so that they could support their families in the event of an accident.

However, a lot has changed since then. The version at that time only covered some employees, and it was not until 1942 that all employers were covered. Accident insurance for schoolchildren was then added in 1971. Nowadays, statutory accident insurance also covers people who work on a voluntary basis.

However, statutory accident insurance only covers accidents at work, i.e. accidents that occur at work or accidents that occur on the way to and from work, as well as some occupational illnesses. Accidents during leisure time, at home, in the private sphere or; for example, during sport are not covered. You will therefore have to bear the costs and loss of earnings incurred here entirely on your own. It is therefore essential to make private provision for these cases.

In addition to statutory accident insurance, people now have the option of private cover, which offers far more benefits than the statutory option and covers all accidents in the private sphere. Private accident insurance is a sensible supplement to statutory cover and can be customised to suit individual needs. The numerous products available on the market today are therefore very different from the first accident insurance policy from 1884, which should come as no surprise as people and their lives have also changed considerably since then. Today, people have much more free time and can pursue many more hobbies or do sports. As a result, statutory accident insurance is no longer sufficient.

Why Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0?

Modern protection with Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0:

Techafull Private Accident Insurance 2.0 offers you everything you should expect from a modern and up-to-date insurance policy today. In addition to favourable rates and a wide range of benefits in the event of an accident, you can do everything online and digitally, from taking out a policy to reporting a claim and receiving advice if you have any questions.

Thanks to Techafull accident insurance 2.0, you no longer have to shoulder the financial risks of an accident alone. Thanks to our numerous benefits, you and your loved ones are optimally covered in the event of an accident.

In order to provide you and your family with optimum cover, the innovative protection of Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0 applies in all of the following cases:

-Accidents that occur as a result of intense effort -Rehabilitation -Infections -Daily hospital allowance -Disability -Casualty care -Vaccination damage

If the unavoidable does happen and you have an accident, you are entitled to the following benefits from Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0: -Search, rescue, and transport costs -Instant payment for serious injuries -Esthetic surgery expenses, including dental treatment, dentures and other dental expenses

Further interesting information on Techafull Private Accident Insurance 2.0 can be found on our website: Techafull Private Accident Insurance

Innovative Approaches for Modern Protection

Modern protection by Techafull means that we also take responsibility for our fellow human beings and our environment and make our contribution to sustainability.

Our innovative approaches make all processing steps easier for our customers and minimise the effort and impact on the environment. This means you do not get a page-long contract from us, but can take out your Techafull accident insurance 2.0 conveniently online and digitally. A quick online conclusion also saves you travelling to an insurance broker. All processing steps are transparent and can be tracked at any time.

We are orientated towards our fellow human beings. Our customers are able to do everything related to their insurance online and digitally around the clock. This not only saves time, but is also direct and convenient.

Additional Options for Personalised Protection

In addition to the standard benefits of Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0, you can choose from the following optional benefits exactly those that meet your requirements and needs. This allows you to optimise your insurance cover and not pay more than you need to.

You can choose freely from the following Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0 benefits:

-Techafull lifetime accident pension -Daily accident assistance -Monthly accident coverage -Transitional benefits -Up to 100% involvement of diseases -Daily hospital assistance -Death benefits

In conclusion, we all expose ourselves to a certain amount of risk every day. Unfortunately, Techafull Accident Insurance 2.0 does not protect you against accidents, but you can significantly minimise the financial risk of an accident for you and your family with low insurance premiums and thus devote yourself to your rehabilitation with absolutely no worries.

Visit Techafull or our social media accounts. We will be happy to answer all your questions about our products and our company.